Home > My daughter has mono!

My daughter has mono!

March 7th, 2007 at 08:43 pm

Doh! Well she's home today and has a swollen throat and can barely talk. $20 for a doctor visit and the doc said stay in bed so that's where she's going. My wife's going to the store to get her some things so that'll go on the spending plan for today.

The GOOD news is our son went out and shoveled the driveway and the walkways on his own without being told so mom called the snow removal service and told them not to come. She said she'd give him $15 for doing it so we save $71. Thanks son!

Ah let's just say the quick run to the store turned out to be the weekly run for groceries! So that will be added to the total.

***Spending plan***
Budget: $300
Doctor: $20
Son: $15
Grocer: $160
Left: $105

I would like to see our weekly fund last us through next Wednesday but it would be a surprise to me. Good thing I left a little cushion! Ugh...well at least that $160 included some meds at the grocery store for our daughter.

Thanks for the well wishes about her health. Hopefully she gets better quickly!

8 Responses to “My daughter has mono!”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Sorry to hear that about your daughter!! Hope she gets well soon.

  2. JanH Says:

    Been through that before! Hope she feels better soon! And wow, that's great that your son did that and all on his own. Great kid!

  3. frugalmomof1 Says:

    Hope your daughter feels better soon!

  4. monkeymama Says:

    Frown Mono is just awful... (I had it pretty bad). Make sure she rests up...

  5. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Having mono when I was 10 still sticks with me as one of those major life events! My tonsils were so swollen they touched each other across my throat. It hurt like hell to swallow my medicine. I did not eat for three of the worst days, when I then finally got out of bed and found some bean soup on the stove. I served myself and painfully choked down half a bowl. I was so happy and PROUD of myself for being able to eat though the pain! There's more to the memory of mono, but triumphantly eating that bean soup was the climax. :-) Hope your daughter feels better soon.

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    What I remember clearest about having mono in the 8th grade is coming home from school completely exhausted and going straight to bed and not waking up again until 8 the next morning, just long enough to go back to sleep and sleep through the entire day and the next night. That's when Mom took me to the doctor. I think I scared her, she could not get me to wake up for more than a few minutes. Of course, there was a lot of other stuff with it, but that's what sticks. Oh, and missing six weeks of school and still not feeling good enough to really be there when I had to go back or lose my trimester.

    Make sure she rests, no arguements about it.

  7. shadon Says:

    I'd just like to say good on your son for pitching in and helping! What a boy! Smile

  8. creditcardfree Says:

    Rest is key with mono. She will be tired for several weeks. You can feel fine one minute and wiped out the next if you overdo anything.

    Your son should get paid $15 to $20 everytime it snows to avoid those large snow removal bills. He'll make money and you'll save some money.

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